Senin, 16 Februari 2015

Quest Log (4) ?

February has come.

Hell, I didn't even write anything on the beginning of the year, yet why did I write now? On the second month of this year. Moreover, why am I writing this on the middle of the month?

Well, it is supposed to be a happy month for me. But why did this month had given me so many melancholy at once? 雨か?空気か?それとも、おもいでのですか?Is it the rain? Is it the air? Is it the memories?

I guess February used to have lot's of memories to me. Bad memories, most of em. But nevertheless, it is the part of history that had made me like now. It is the remarks of life I passed by. Some of them nice, some of the hurts, but they are all noted on my chronicles.

Februari telah datang. Februari yang penuh melankoli seperti biasanya. Tapi mudah-mudahan kali ini Februarinya bisa berlalu dengan lebih bahagia. Dengan mencetak lembaran baru yang mengantar bahagia :D


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